We” still” rise by lifting others. In the last three months, we have worked a lot—Hard work. Smart work. But a lot. And here’s what we achieved:
Q3 = 01.07.2021-30.09.2021
- From 133820 to 137284 total members (+3464)
- 65912 active members
- 13742 users and 16364 sessions (only in Q3)

- Our new platform is online and works great.
- We raised capital from GrowthBox VC , Seed-Stake VC and a private angel investor.

- We had Joe Foster, the founder of Reebok, invited to our podcast, live on Facebook and Youtube. (EXIT to Adidas for $4B)
- Key People Meeting in person:
- 256 subscribers on Youtube
- 137+ partners
- We started our monetisation.
- Partnerstack integration. Soon we will launch our Affiliation Program.
- New Design for the main product:

- We were featured in Hackenoon, Yahoo Finance, Cision, Dailyadvent, Prnewswire, Ocn and other media companies.

There is still a lot of hard work in front of us. Now we are working to create Tekpon Club, to add more Marketplace features and loads of optimizations. And many other surprises.
Our current valuation: $15m

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