

We have Cogneve Growth Rocket for Saas companies.

How it works?

We have a team of white growth-hacker marketers that could manage your PPC budget with an edge.

But what is the real difference between Cogneve Growth Rocket and an agency?

We are working just with Saas Products and we do a lot of A/B testing before scaling a campaign. We understand that we could go viral just with things that people love. And this is our strategy in big lines.

Sometimes with 100$ we get 10.000.000 impressions and 2-3000 clients, sometimes with 100$ we get just 1000 impressions and 0 sales. So we do test a lot and when we have results…..these are fantastic.

How we get at this point?

About 7 years ago we started humble by creating content and we realise that Google, Facebook, Youtube and all these platforms give us a lot of exposure if we create something people want. Why? Because they want to keep their costumers more and more time on their platforms.

And we started by understanding what people love and want to see. After so many years we have a lot of growth strategies that work well but the most important thing is: we test a lot and when we have results….everyone heard about our client.

Our clients are Saas startups but also Fortune 500 companies, why we work with startups? Because we love to help them succeed and because Fortune 500 were startups one day.